Part I: The Foreigner of the French Revolution
Chapter 1: The French Revolution: A Producer of Narratives about Citizenship
Chapter 2: Becoming Foreign 1: The Nation as Space Susceptible to Intrusion
Chapter 3: Becoming Foreign 2: The Nation and Its Affective Economies
Chapter 4: Becoming Foreign 3: The Nation and Its Juridical Community
Part II: Denaturalization in Times of War: Modeling the Self, Creating the Other
Chapter 5: From Belonging to Repression: Denaturalization and WWI
Chapter 6: Denaturalization in the Context of WWII: Expanding Denaturalization before the War
Chapter 7: Denaturalization in the Context of WWII: France’s Totalitarian Infection
Part III: Terrorism, Nationality and Citizenship: France and Beyond
Chapter 8: Of the Link between the War against Terrorism and Denaturalization
Chapter 9: The 21st Century Struggles over Denaturalization