Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Rowman & Littlefield International
Pages: 408
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-1-78660-591-7 • Hardback • August 2018 • $162.00 • (£125.00)
978-1-78660-592-4 • Paperback • July 2018 • $56.00 • (£43.00)
978-1-78660-593-1 • eBook • July 2018 • $53.00 • (£41.00)
Alexander Siedschlag is Professor of Homeland Security at Penn State Harrisburg School of Public Affairs, in a joint appointment as Professor of Public Health Sciences at the Hershey College of Medicine and serves as Chair of Penn State Homeland Security Programs.
Andrea Jerković is Acting Director of the CEUSS | Center for European Security Studies, Austria.
Introduction: Security Cultures in Action, Alexander Siedschlag / Part I: Domain Aspects / 1. The Cultural Challenge in Countering Violent Extremism and Counterterrorism, NoorZ.Razzaq / 2. Mismanaging America’s Demographic Shift, the Rise of Violent Extremism, and Responding to a Culture of Fear, Ygnacio Flores / 3. Comprehending the Polar Shift in Border Security Culture: Restoring Effective Sovereignty, James Phelps, J. Michael Bozeman and Monica Koenigsberg / 4. Putting U.S. Cybersecurity Culture in Perspective, William A. Carter and Daniel G. Sofio / 5. Designing High Reliability Security Organizations for the Homeland Security Enterprise, Anthony J Masys / 6. Achieving a Culture of Disaster Resilience, Chad Foster / Part II: Collaboration Aspects / 7. Mass Casualty Shooting Events Across America: Examining How Organizational Cultures Adapt to Emerging Patterns from the Homeland Security Perspective, Sam McGhee / 8. The Use of Military Forces in the Homeland: Cultures within Cultures, George M. Schwartz and Bert Tussing / 9. Fusion Centers: Bridging State/Local Law-Enforcement and National Intelligence Culture, Tom Bruneau and Diego Esparza / 10. Cybersecurity Cultural Conflicts: The Problem of Language within the Homeland Security Enterprise, Ervin Frenzel and James Phelps / 11. Soft Industrial Policy Measures to Build a Culture of Trust in the Field of Homeland Security: The Case of the European Union, Michel Bosco / Part III: Societal Security Aspects / 12. Homeland Security and Civic Culture: The Whole Community and the Citizen, Alexander Siedschlag / 13. Resiliency and a Culture of Preparedness, Martin J. Alperen / Conclusion and Outlook / Homeland Security Cultures to Foster a Resilient Nation while Securing the “Blessings of Liberty”, Andrea Jerković / Homeland Security Cultures Research Guide
This edited volume provides an intriguing analysis of culture as a variable in understanding homeland security. Focal points include examination of “Domain Aspects” (e.g., culture and resilience), “Collaboration Aspects” (e.g., intelligence fusion centers), and “Societal Security Aspects” (e.g., resilience and a culture of preparedness). The introduction provides a solid overview of the book and the concluding section nicely summarizes key takeaways. A very satisfying work.
— Steven Ames Peterson, Emeritus Professor of Politics and Public Affairs, Penn State Harrisburg
Homeland Security Cultures exposes the reader to a unique, insightful inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary discussion on security culture, and thus depicts the contribution of different fields of knowledge to its constitutive terminology, theory, paradigm and methodology. The conceptual bandwidth of this term in the book goes beyond the discussion done so far, and possesses an added value of a toolbox for its differential diagnosis.
— Rachel Suissa, School of Political Sciences, University of Haifa
Offering a text for courses to address cultural aspects in homeland security for upper level undergraduate and graduate programs
Includes homeland security culture research guide