Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Policy Network
Pages: 116
Trim: 5½ x 8½
978-1-78660-436-1 • Paperback • May 2017 • $23.00 • (£17.99)
978-1-78660-437-8 • eBook • May 2017 • $21.50 • (£16.99)
Claudia Chwalisz is an expert on democratic innovation, deliberative democracy, populism, and comparative political economy. She is the author of The Populist Signal: Why Politics and Democracy Need to Change (2015), and co-editor of New Routes to Social Justice (2017) and The Predistribution Agenda (2015).
Foreword by Matthew Flinders / Executive Summary / 1. Introduction / 2. Theoretical framework and methodology / 3. Better together: Learning from best practice in Canada and Australia / 4. Public consultation and engagement in the UK / 5. Conclusion / Appendix / References