Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Rowman & Littlefield International
Pages: 316
Trim: 6½ x 9⅜
978-1-78660-261-9 • Hardback • March 2017 • $184.00 • (£142.00)
978-1-78660-262-6 • Paperback • September 2018 • $51.00 • (£39.00)
978-1-78660-263-3 • eBook • March 2017 • $48.50 • (£37.00)
Marcia Sa Cavalcante Schuback is Professor of Philosophy at Sodertorn University, Sweden. She has published widely in both English and Portuguese, including the Portuguese translation of Heidegger's Being and Time.
Susanna Lindberg is a Core Fellow at the Collegium for Advanced Studies of the University of Helsinki. She is co-editor of Europe Beyond Universalism and Particularism (2014) and the author of several books in French.
1. Introduction, Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback and Susanna Lindberg / Part I: The Ends in the World / 2. Technologies of the End of the World, Susanna Lindberg / 3. Dialogue on the Postcolonial World, Achille Mbembe and Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback / 4. After the End of the World, Danielle Cohen-Levinas / Part II: The Ends of Art / 5. The Ends of the World in Lars von Trier’s Melancholia, Martta Heikkilä / 6. The End of Film. Béla Tarr's Les Harmonies Werckmeister and the Intempestive Escathology of Editing, Serge Margel / 7. Viktor Pelevin's Apocalyptic Postmodernism, Artery Magun / 8. The Space of the End of the World, Dan Karlholm / 9. Expansions. Remarks on Friedrich Hölderlin's Geo-politics, Esa Kirkkopelto / 10. The Language of the End and the Language of the World in the Poem of the End by Marina Tsvetaeva, Tora Lane / 11. After the End of History, Asyndeton (Ce qui reste, the Otherwise of History), Irina Sandomirskaja / 12. It's Not the End of the World! Reflections After Günther Anders and Maurice Blanchot, Gisèle Berkman / 13. Immersion: Harmony, Variety and Fragmentation, Sean Gaston / Part III: Philosophy at the End of the World / 14. Kant and the End of All Things, Sven-Olov Wallenstein / 15. End and/or Beginning: The World as One-Time Event in Heidegger and Dogen, Krzystof Ziarek / 16. Mettre fin. Derrida et la peine de mort, Laura Odello / 17. The End of the World after the End of Finitude: Of the Speculative Tone Recently Adopted in Philosophy, Jussi Backman / 18. The Energy of the End, Michael Marder / History as the Hermeneutics of the Without, Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback / 19. The End of Ends. Scene in Two Acts, Federico Ferrari and Jean-Luc Nancy / Index