Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Rowman & Littlefield International
Pages: 248
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-78348-151-4 • Hardback • March 2016 • $176.00 • (£137.00)
978-1-78348-152-1 • Paperback • March 2016 • $59.00 • (£45.00)
978-1-78348-153-8 • eBook • March 2016 • $56.00 • (£43.00)
Debra Benita Shaw is a Reader in Cultural Theory at the University of East London.
Maggie Humm is an Emeritus Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of East London.
Acknowledgements / Introduction: Radical Space, Debra Benita Shaw / Part I: Art, Public Space & The Body / 1. The Peterborough Child and Joanna Rajkowska: Themes, Influences, Art, Joanna Rajkowska and Maggie Humm / 2. Contemporary Curatorial Practice and the Politics of Public Space, Connell Vaughan / 3. The Alternative Urbanism of Psychogeography in the Mediated City, Zlatan Krajina /4. Radicalizing Institutional Space: Revealing the Site through Phenomenological Movement Inquiry, Victoria Hunter / Part II: Heterotopias / 5. Return to Battleship Island, Carl Lavery with Lee Hassall, Deborah Dixon, Carina Fearnley, Mark Pendleton, and Brian Burke-Gaffney / 6. Contested Spaces/Radical Places: Squatting, Place and Subjectivity, Matt Fish/ 7. Radical, Ethical Spaces, Angie Voela / Part III: Extra-Territorialities / 8. Composting Space, Dimitris Papadopoulos / 9. Mapping the Contours of Vectoral Space: Inaugural statement of the Committee for Aeronautical Psychogeography, Rob Coley(The Society for Ontofabulatory Research) / 10. Gravity, Gender and Spatial Theory, Kat Deerfield / Afterword: Contingency, Acceleration & Repurposing, Debra Benita Shaw / Bibliography / Notes on Contributors / Index
Useful for all who have teaching and research interests in the spatial, and the relationship between theory and practice, this text will particularly appeal to those who appreciate the tradition of British Cultural Studies, as defined by the Birmingham School, whilst engaging in its multi-disciplinary contemporary debates... [W]ith its conscious positioning away from certain theoretical elements, and focus on practice and activism, Radical Space makes an important contribution to work on the spatial and political, taking a refreshing slant.
— New Formations
Mixing analysis with art and activism, 'Radical Space' presents a collection of insightful, engaged and provocative papers well attuned to our uneasy and unpredictable times. The book manages to be both serious and playful, as the contributors explore new approaches to existing, emerging and imaginable spaces. It is often thought provoking, sometimes inspiring and only occasionally infuriating. Make time to read it.
— James Donald, Professor of Film Studies, UNSW
A multidisciplinary collection of key approaches to contemporary understandings of space.
Explores new movements and ideas about city space including the digital city, rearticulation of city space in light of the Global Financial Crisis, and the possibilities of curating the city.
Interweaves theory with creative work to address polemical issues as abandoned spaces, the prevalence of drones and the experience of microgravity in spaceflights.