Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Rowman & Littlefield International
Pages: 268
Trim: 6 x 8¾
978-1-78348-136-1 • Hardback • September 2014 • $146.00 • (£112.00)
978-1-78348-137-8 • Paperback • September 2014 • $51.00 • (£39.00)
978-1-78348-138-5 • eBook • September 2014 • $48.50 • (£37.00)
Sam Mickey is adjunct professor in theology and religious studies, and environmental studies at the University of San Francisco. He is a co-editor of Integral Ecologies (forthcoming) and has published articles in numerous journals. He blogs at
1. Introduction
1.1 Becoming Ecological
1.2 Becoming Integral
1.3 Becoming Humorous
1.4 Becoming Speculative
2. Beginning
2.1 Opening
2.2 Decisions
2.3 Examples
2.4 Chorology
2.5 Chaosmos
3. Middle
3.1 Sense
3.2 Rhizomes
3.3 Nomads
3.4 Omnicentric
3.5 Anthropocosmic
4. Ending
4.1 Apocalypse
4.2 From Globes to Planets
4.3 Planetary Love
4.4 Cosmopolitics
5. Conclusion
5.1 Refrain
5.2 Compost
5.3 The SF Mode
5.4 On the Verge
Works Cited
This book is much needed. The book skilfully and articulately brings together difficult concepts from the philosophies of event-oriented ontology, object-oriented ontology, and speculative realism to bear on our contemporary ecological crises. Furthermore, the book does not merely think about ecology, but begins to ask how ecological thinking changes our ways of thinking, doing ethics, and philosophizing in general.
— Whitney Bauman, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Florida International University
Reading major postmodern theorists in the light of integral theory, Sam Mickey's path-breaking book points the way to environmentalism of the future. He has made an important contribution toward our understanding of the emergent, subtle, and complex entwining of humankind and nature. Highly recommended for those who want to understand the cutting edge of contemporary environmental theory.
— Michael E. Zimmerman, professor of philosophy, University of Colorado at Boulder
The ongoing reinvention of our thought tradition is soaring into the task of developing a new philosophy of Earth, a philosophy of Gaia, a philosophy powerful enough to effect a fundamental transformation of humanity's functioning within the enveloping community of life. For anyone interested in joining this historic venture, there is no better pathway in than Sam Mickey's book.
— Brian Thomas Swimme, California Institute of Integral Studies.