Preface: The Fate of Vitruvian Man
Chapter 1: Humanism, Posthumanism, Animals, Earth
Chapter 2: Encounters with Ancestors: Being/s Before the Human
Chapter 3: Spinoza and Renaturalization
Chapter 4: Posthuman, Literary Canon and A Difficult Dialogue: Literature about Environment or Environmental Literature?
Chapter 5: Exiting Human Environment: Metamorphosis in Bilge Karasu’s The Garden of Departed Cats
Chapter 6: Voice(s): Ontological Pluralism in Contemporary Environmental Poetics
Chapter 7: Canine Ecology, Spatial Politics, and the Annihilation of Istanbul’s Dogs in the Last Decades of the Ottoman Empire
Chapter 8: Flânerie Beyond the City: Urban Mobility and Nature Encounters in Late Ottoman Istanbul via Servet-i Fünûn Narratives
Chapter 9: Singing the Human Away: Manifestations of the Posthuman in Music
Chapter 10: An Essay for the Living in a Time of Extinction
Chapter 11: Mothering the Mother: Africanfuturist Time-Images in Wanuri Kahiu’s Pumzi
Chapter 12: (Non/Post) Human: Body, Technology, Environment/Phases of Matter, De
Humani Corporis Fabrica
About the Contributors