Introduction: Paradise, Paradox, the Infinite Inscrutable God, and the Idolatry of Human Interpretation
Ori Z. Soltes
Part One: Paradisiacal Paradoxes
Chapter 1: The Tree of the Finite Life: Judaism and the Affirmation of Finitude
Agata Bielik-Robson
Chapter 2: Lost in the Garden of God and Good: Knowledge and Its Paradoxes from Genesis to Meno and Cratylus to Levinas
Ori Z. Soltes
Chapter 3: Mystical Gardening in Jewish Lore: YHWH’s Garden of Eden versus the Rabbinical Orchard of PaRDeS
Alex Shalom Kohav
Part Two: God, God’s Name, God’s Torah
Chapter 4: Torah, God, and Idol
Kevin Hart
Chapter 5: Metaphysics of the Name in Israelite Thought: The Hebrew Conception of God’s Nature
Michael T. Miller
Chapter 6: A Comparative Analysis of God and the Buddhas
Louis Hébert
Part Three: A Science-Fictional Afterword
Chapter 7: Taboo Knowledge or Knowledge of Taboo? Expulsion from Eden and Science Fiction Literature
Elana Gomel