Foreword by Michael Galban
Introduction: Clearing the Land
Chapter 1: The Haudenosaunee and Colonizing New York
Chapter 2: Dunmore’s War: 1774
Chapter 3: The Haudenosaunee and the New Nation
Chapter 4: Picking Sides: Phillip Schuyler and the Failed Effort at Neutrality
Chapter 5: The Cherokee War: War of Extirpation
Chapter 6: Schuyler’s Ultimatum: Declaring Enemies
Chapter 7: War Comes to the Valley, Again: 1778
Chapter 8: Retaliation and Escalation on the Frontier
Chapter 9: The New York Elite: Land and Bread
Chapter 10: Laying the Plans
Chapter 11: Schuyler Strikes First: The Destruction of Onondaga
Chapter 12: Iroquoia Invaded
Chapter 13: Coveting the Land While Destroying its Bounty
Chapter 14: Winter at Niagara: Starving in the Snow
Chapter 15: Suing for Peace
Chapter 16: Redrawing the Map of New York
Chapter 17: Selling out the Haudenosaunee
Chapter 18: Surviving the Destruction: The Smaller Kettle and Canoe
Chapter 19: On Extirpation
Appendix: Sexual Violence
About the Authors