Lexington Books
Pages: 142
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-66696-626-8 • Hardback • November 2024 • $100.00 • (£77.00)
978-1-66696-627-5 • eBook • October 2024 • $45.00 • (£35.00)
Muhammad Awais Shaukat is director of academics and programs at Ehya Education Services, Lahore.
Chapter 1: Morality and System of Values
Chapter 2: Islamic Value System
Chapter 3: Man: A Spiritual and Moral Self
Chapter 4: The Evolution of Modern Thought and its Impact on Moral Philosophy: From the Renaissance to Post-Modern Times
Chapter 5: Exploring Moral Relativism: Genealogy, Scope, and Implications
Chapter 6: Moral Relativism and Contemporary Islamic Discourses
Chapter 7: Moral Polarization in Pakistan
This book tackles a crucial debate affecting contemporary Islamic societies. The author has objectively analyzed the discourses on ethics and provided a cross-sectional study of Pakistani society based on a survey. The strongest part of the book lies in the author's profound insights. In the end, the author offers suggestions to establish the foundations for peaceful coexistence.
— Badrane Benlahcene, Qatar University
This book is a crucial addition to our understanding of the social upheavals in contemporary Islamic societies, with a particular focus on Pakistan. Its arguments are compelling, its insights profoundly illuminating, and it provides scholarly perspectives on both Islamic and modern theories of ethics. The author's hard work and objective approach shine through, making this a must-read for anyone interested in these critical issues.
— Humaira Ahmad, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan