Studying Terrorism for Young Audiences: Past, Present, and Future
Clint Jones
Part I: Cold War Terror
Chapter One
…And Knowing is Half the Battle: Introducing Modern Terrorism Through Marvel’s Real American Heroes
Clint Jones
Chapter Two
Wrestling Terror: Depictions of Terrorists in the WWE, 1970-90
Dan Hille
Chapter Three
Critical Reflections on State Terrorism: Terrorist Stereotypes, Vietnam, and the Legacy of American Cold War Cinema
Michael Schumacher
Part II: Post-9/11 Global Terror
Chapter Four
Digital Barbarians at the Gates: The Shifting Figures of the Terrorist in Post-Soviet Eurasia through the Lens of Military-Themed Video Games
Julian Paret
Chapter Five
Kant, Courage, and Play: How Risky Play Builds Courage for Facing Threat
Michelle Johnson
Part III: New Terrorism
Chapter Six
Domestic Terror in an Age of Disillusionment: The Riddler's Motivations for Terrorism in the Batman
Damir Kovačević
Chapter Seven
The Evolution of the Known: Cyberattacks as Terrorism in Little Brother
Esra Merve Çalışkan
Chapter Eight
Distorting the Past: Hindutva and the Creation of Muslims as the “Other / Terrorists” in History Textbooks in India
Deepa Nair and Vlad-Radu Vasilescu
Part IV: Imperialism as Terrorism
Chapter Nine
From The Shifting Sands Of Arrakis To Death Of The Buffalo: Terrorism And Environmental Justice Through A Decolonial Lens
Jeffery Nicholas
Chapter Ten
“Then, Everything Changed when the Fire Nation Attacked”: Depictions of Imperialism and Domestic Terrorism in Avatar: the Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra
Nicole Loring
Chapter Eleven
Redemption, Radicals, and Race: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier as New Terrorism Narrative
Isabel Felix Gonzales and Davin L. Phoenix
Chapter Twelve
“We’re Nation-breakers, not Terrorists”: Lessons on Terrorism and Freedom Fighters in YA Dystopian Literature
Martin Claar
Terrorism Depictions for Young Audiences: Past, Present, and Future
Martin Claar