Being Affected by the Anthropocene
Guilherme Englert Corrêa Meyer
Part One: Complexity
Chapter One
Framing Anthropocene with Experimental Prototyping
Guilherme Englert Corrêa Meyer
Chapter Two
The Three Approaches to Complexity in Design: Design as Configuration, Execution, and Attribution
Cliff Shin and Juan Salamanca
Chapter Three
(Re)Designing Intersectional Feminist Futures: “Vital Structuring” as Critical Praxis
Brianna I. Wiens
Chapter Four
Re-stitching Texts: A Geography of Fragmentation in Five Movements
Teresa M. Dobson
Part Two: Techne
Chapter Five
Graphic Design from the Perspective of Contemporary Technological Relationships
Juan De La Rosa
Chapter Six
Design and Machine Learning: Tipping the balance toward the Callidocene
Gerry Derksen
Chapter Seven
“We Still Don’t Understand We’re at War”: Media Toxicity and Social Media Disinformation Ecologies
Shana MacDonald and Brianna I. Wiens
Part Three: Action
Chapter Eight
A Project May Be More Than You Think It Is
Ricardo Triska and Stan Ruecker
Chapter Nine
Are Surveys Necessary? Designing Virtual Environments for Participatory Research
Colter Wehmeier
Chapter Ten
Ride the Bullet: An Introduction to Design Reading
Milena Radzikowska and Stan Ruecker
Chapter Eleven
Designing Futures and Framing Worlds: Posthuman Worldbuilding in Speculative Comics Created by Youths
Andrea Hoff and Teresa M. Dobson
Why the Callidocene?
Stan Ruecker