Lexington Books
Pages: 188
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-1-66696-193-5 • Hardback • October 2024 • $105.00 • (£81.00)
978-1-66696-194-2 • eBook • October 2024 • $45.00 • (£35.00)
Robert Danisch is professor in the Department of Communication Arts at the University of Waterloo in Canada.
Chapter 1: The Rhetorical Structures at the Systemic Root of Democracy
Chapter 2: Democratic Rhetorical Structures and Political Cultures of Connection
Chapter 3: Anti-Democratic Rhetorical Structures and Political Cultures of Disconnection
Chapter 4: Rhetorical Citizenship and the Practice of Democracy as a Way of Life
Robert Danisch’s Rhetorical Democracy reminds us to consider the ways physical and social structures help foster democratic decision-making . At the center of human existence is communication—our words, concepts, and ideas create the world around us. What allows us to build connected communities requires engagement and dialogue. Danisch offers a way forward, drawing on pragmatist roots to foster an ecology of democratic life today.
— Timothy J. Shaffer
12/14/24, New Books Network- Politics and Polemics: Danisch discussed the book on the podcast.
Link: https://player.fm/series/new-books-in-politics-and-polemics/robert-danisch-rhetorical-democracy-how-communication-shapes-political-culture-rowman-and-littlefield-2024