Prologue: A Conceptual Framework of the Theory of Encryption of Power by Ricardo Sanín-Restrepo
Decrypting Justice: Form Epistemic Violence to Immanent Democracy. A Brief Presentation of this Book by Ricardo Sanín-Restrepo, Marinella Machado-Araujo, and Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni
Chapter 1: A Prolific Paradox of Justice and Two Theses on the Encryption of the Hidden People by Ricardo Sanín-Restrepo and Marinella Machado-Araujo
Chapter 2: Let’s Dance. On Fantastic Critique by Oscar Guardiola-Rivera
Chapter 3: Towards a Decolonial Paradigm of Justice by Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni
Chapter 4: The Communal Practice of Quilombismo as a Technique of Decryption: Forms of (R)existence Through the Subversion of Colonial Encryption by Bethania Assy and Rafael Rolo
Chapter 5: The Justice(s) of the O' tan (Corazonar): Tseltal Women's Experiences in the Pursuit of Self-Justice by Laura Edith Saavedra Hernández
Chapter 6: Decryption of Liberal Transitional Justice: Critical Approaches from the Land as Central Problem in the Colombian Case by Michael Monclou-Chaparro, Julián Trujillo-Guerrero, María Daniela Delgado-Álvarez
Chapter 7: Decrypting Power in the Territory. The Case of the Union of Cooperatives Tosepan, Titataniske by María Elena Rojas and Jaime Ortega
Chapter 8: Multiple Layers of Asylum Access in Mexico: An Example of the Encryption of Administrative Justice by Luisa Gabriela Morales-Vega
Conclusions by Ricardo Sanín-Restrepo and Marinella Machado-Araujo
About the Contributors