List of Tables and Figures
Introduction: Why Handlooms? Excavating the Trope
Handloom Industry and the Indian Economy
Perspectives on Indian Handlooms and the De-Industrialization Debate
Within a Maze: My Early Research and Involvement
Anthropology of Craft and Craftsmen: Concepts, Dimensions and Theoretical Perspectives
The Backdrop of the Present Research
The Handloom Industry of Begampur in Transition: Technology, Disjuncture and Development
Structure of the Book
Chapter 1: The Setting: People, the Place, Economy, and Lives
History and Geographical Location of this Region
Geology and Climate
Flora and Fauna
Population and the Ethnic Composition
Infrastructure and Healthcare Facilities
Literary and Cultural Traditions
Chapter 2: Tracing the Historical and Cultural Landscape of the Handloom Industry in Begampur: From Past to the Present
Historical And Cultural Geography of Indian Handlooms
Handloom Industry of Bengal
Handloom Weaving Tradition in Begampur and its Evolution
Chapter 3: The Social and the Religious Life Handloom Weavers in Begampur Region
Ethnic Origin and Religious Cohabitation
Life-Cycle Rituals
Religious Ceremonies and Festivals
Chapter 4: The Craft of Handloom Weaving: Technology, Processes, Work Coordination, Products and their Market
Loom and Other Implements
Knowledge and Skills in Different Stages of Cloth Production
Work Coordination and Division of Labour
Raw Materials, Products and their Market
Chapter 5: The Disjuncture and Juxtapositions of Cloth Production, Organization and Marketing
Individual Creative Identity vs. Community-Level Collective Production
Traditional Artisanal Craft vs. Technology-Driven Commercialized Mass-Production
The Informal vs. Formal Organizational Setup: The Issue of Dependence and Relative Independence
Empowerment vs. Exploitation: Types of Contracts and the Relations in Production
The Utility Products vs. Items with High Aesthetic Content
The Issue of Local vs. Global: Local Identity vs. the Process of Homogenization
Chapter 6: Handloom Weavers Cooperatives Societies in Begampur: A Failed Experiment?
A Brief History of Handloom Weavers’ Cooperative in India
Handloom Weavers Cooperative Societies in Begampur Region
Rise of Begampur Handloom Cluster Society
About the Author