Introduction: The Conflicts and the External Actors
Chapter 1: Post-Soviet Conflicts and Distinctive Commonalities: Moldova and Georgia
Chapter 2: A Comparison to the Conflict in Eastern Ukraine: The Third Case Study
Chapter 3: A Typology of Perceived Relative Success-Failure: A Framework of Analysis and Model for International Organisations in Peace Processes
Chapter 4: Conflict Transformation and the Transformation of Conflicts: A Toolbox for Identity and Sovereignty
Chapter 5: European and IO Responses to the Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict
Chapter 6: European and IO Responses to the Moldovan-Transnistrian Conflicts
Chapter 7: European and IO Responses to the Conflict in Eastern Ukraine and the War in 2022
Chapter 8: Comparative Evaluation
Conclusion: The Limitations of Imagining Peace
Appendix A: Expanded Tables
Appendix B: List of Interviews
Appendix C: Primary Source Documents