Foreword Alex Taek-Gwang Lee
Introduction: Why Plant Humanities: An Overview
Chapter 1: Theory of the Plant: Cartographies of Plant-Thinking
Chapter 2: Remapping Plant–Life: Plant Memory and Limits of Arboreality
Chapter 3: Re–cartographazing “Ontophytology”: Micropolitics, Transgressivity and Rhizomatics
Chapter 4: Rhizomatic Ontophytological Thinking: Plant Aesthetics, Plant Ethics and Phytoerotics
Chapter 5: Postcolonial Haecceities and Plant Humanities: Negotiating Indic Vegetal Discourses
Chapter 6: Remapping Plant Humanities: Negotiating Postcolonial Vegetal Politics
Conclusion: Deleuze, Guattari and Mathema of Vegetality
About the Author