Preface, Heidi M. Altman
Introduction, Heidi M. Altman
Chapter 1. Stewardship Of Institutional and Historical Anatomical Skeletal Assemblages: A Case Study and Practical Recommendations, Jacqueline Berger
Chapter 2. Battle for Bodily Autonomy for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs, Anne Odusanya
Chapter 3. “They Think I am Fat and Lazy:” The Large Body as Social Failure in Japan, Cindi Sturtzsreetharan
Chapter 4. Who Gets PrEPped? Negotiating Barriers to Agency for HIV Prevention, Stacy W. Smallwood and Dorcas Adom
Chapter 5. “You Don’t Get Injured on A Shrimp Boat:” Masculinity, Injury, and Agency among Commercial Fishers in the Lowcountry, Jennifer Sweeney Tookes, Tracy Yandle, and Bryan Fluech
Chapter 6. “Just for Comfort:” Cultural Imaginaries about Extended Breast/Chestfeeding among
Medical and Legal Authorities in the U.S., Cassandra White
Chapter 7. “I Felt Almost Like A Robot Going in That Room”: The Control of Maternal Bodies and Maternal Health in Georgia, Heidi M. Altman and Tobi Oloyede
About the Contributors