List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1: Philosophy of Just War in Classical Greek International Law and Grounds of Lawful War in Thucydides
Chapter 2: Grotius and the Tradition of Just War Theory: On the Law of War and Peace
Chapter 3: Self-Defense in Modern International Law: Collective, Individual and Anticipatory Self-Defense
Chapter 4: Self-Defense: A Comprehensive International Law Analysis
Chapter 5: Armed Reprisals
Chapter 6: The Politics and Ethics of Humanitarian Intervention
Chapter 7: The Joint Intervention of the Great Powers in Aid of the Greek Revolutionaries
Chapter 8: National Liberation War or Wars in Aid of Self-Determination
Chapter 9: Pro-Democratic Intervention and International Law
Chapter 10: Military Intervention by Treaty Right: The Turkish Military Intervention of Cyprus
Chapter 11: United Nations Peacekeeping and Enforcement Action
Chapter 12: International Law and Recognition of States Created through the Use of Force
Chapter 13: Jus Ad Bellum and Jus in Bello: Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflict
About the Author