List of Figures
Introduction: Understanding Temporalities of Cross-Border Migration, Jopi Nyman, Johan Schimanski, and Carmen Zamorano Llena
Part One: Pasts and Futures: Migrants in/to Europe
Chapter One: Border Temporalities, Temporal Borders: Migratory Border-Crossings in Literature and Other Discourses, Johan Schimanski
Chapter Two: Spatiotemporal Palimpsests, Remembered Times, and Hybrid Temporalities in Literary and Graphic Narratives on Europe’s Refugee ‘Crisis’, Olga Michael
Chapter Three: “I’ll never let myself die in a strange land that doesn’t want me”: A Life Course Approach to the Temporal Subjectivities of Older Migrants in Abdulrazak Gurnah’s The Last Gift, Carmen Zamorano Llena
Part Two: Eldorados in Future: Migrants in/to Spain
Chapter Four: Temporalities of Crossing in Laila Lalami’s Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits, Jopi Nyman
Chapter Five: Lost Pasts and Rescued Traumas: Migration and Temporality in Rafael Chirbes’ En la orilla, Carolina León Vegas
Chapter Six: Time, Caves, and Other Limboscapes in Three Contemporary Migrant Narratives, Carles Magrinyà Badiella
Part Three: Living through Times of Migration
Chapter Seven: Investing in Immigrants as a Permanent Resource: The Local Integration Strategies of a Peripheral Town, Ágnes Németh and Sarolta Németh
Chapter Eight: The Narrative Practice of Ruth Reese: Blackness, Temporality, and Braiding Time in Norway, Michelle A. Tisdel
About the Contributors