List of Tables
Thomas Jefferson: A Chronology
Part One: England
Chapter One: ‘I cannot live without books’
Chapter Two: A country Whig in Williamsburg: the education of Thomas Jefferson
Part Two: Scotland
Chapter Three: The Scottish Enlightenment comes to Virginia
Chapter Four: Declaring independence and religious freedom the Scottish way
Part Three: France
Chapter Five: A Virginian in Paris
Chapter Six: Jefferson in the salons of Paris: a deeper dive
Chapter Seven: The social mathematics of the Marquis de Condorcet
Part Four: Monticello
Chapter Eight: The Room where it happened: the conflict between two paragons of the American Enlightenment
Chapter Nine: The climax of the American enlightenment: the Danbury Baptists, the ‘Jefferson Bible’, and Jefferson’s last letter
Chapter Ten: The General Spread of the Light of Science
Author’s Note
About the Author