Introduction: David Fincher, the Master of Offset, Francis Mickus
Section I: The Art of Making Movies
Chapter 1: Film of Fury: David Fincher’s Alien3 (1992) and the Scarring of a Franchise, Kyle Barrett
Chapter 2: Fincherdgaf: David Fincher, Star Image, and Fan Appreciation, Kirsty Worrow
Chapter 3: David Fincher as an Auteur: Pop Music Intertextuality and Film, Carlos Gerald Pranger and Cintia Gutiérrez Reyes
Chapter 4: Up Close and Personal: Details and Fragments in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Isabelle Labrouillère
Section II: A Darkness More Than Night…
Chapter 5: The Continuum of Evil in David Fincher’s Exteriors and Interiors, Antonio Pettierre and Antonio Sanna
Chapter 6: To Reign in Hell: David Fincher’s Enclosed Worlds of Transgression, Sony Jalarajan Raj and Adith K. Suresh
Chapter 7: Gothic Fincher: Alienation, Abjection, and the American Nightmare,Soumyarup Bhattacharjee
Chapter 8: Spectacle, Noir, and the Obsession with the Horrific Other in David Fincher’s Zodiac, Joshua Fagan
Section III: The Meaning of Responsibility
Chapter 9: ‘Upset the Order’: Disrupting Law in Music Videos, Alien3and The Game, Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns
Chapter 10: Who Watches the Watchmen: David Fincher’s Serial Killer Narratives, Min-Chi Chen
Chapter 11:‘You’re Not Even Trying’: The Practice of Persuasion and Influence in Fincher’s Filmography, Francis Mickus
Chapter 12: Paying Attention: Care Ethics and the Cost of Chronic Illness in Panic Room,Julia Brown
Chapter 13: The Guilty Game: The Peculiar Darkness of David Fincher’s World, Roberto Donati