Steven Michels, “Introduction: How America Works”
1. Jon D. Schaff, “All the Past We Leave Behind: Willa Cather’s O! Pioneers and the Agrarian Vision”
2. Victor Bruno, “Trouble in the 10018 Zone: Incommunicability and Working-Class Frustration in King Vidor’s Street Scene”
3. Sally Parry, “Sinclair Lewis’s Ann Vickers: Seeking a Work-Life Balance”
4. Steven Michels, “Native Son and the Myth of Mobility”
5. Pedro Blas Gonzalez, “Ortega y Gasset’s Mass Man, Strife, and Work in the Thought of Elmer Kelton and Eric Hoffer”
6. Mark Wheeler, “The Working Class in Schrader’s Blue Collar”
7. Glenn A. Moots, “Financialism Versus the Working Class in Wall Street and Other People’s Money”
8. Aimee Pozorski, “‘pushing into the hum of the machines’: Textiles and Women’s Labor in Black and White”
9. Shaun Richman, “When It Ain’t Your Turn: Striving for Meaningful Work in The Wire”
10. Kevin M. Kearns, “Happiness is a Moment Before You Need More Happiness: Happiness, Mad Men, and Locke”
11. Christine Susienka, “Severed Selves and the Search for Meaning”
12. Simon Stow, “Is a Dream a Lie? Hope, Cruel Optimism, and Bruce Springsteen’s Working Class”