Part I
Chapter 1: Immersive Journalism After the VR Hype from Media Professionals’ Perspective
Chapter 2: Immersive Journalism Skills as Cultural Capital: Gaining Legitimacy in the Contemporary Newsroom
Chapter 3: Immersive Journalism and Emerging News Values of Emotional Objectivity and Subjective Accuracy: Between Effects and Norms
Chapter 4: The Young Reporter Programme: A Digital Intelligence Perspective
Part II
Chapter 5: 360-Degree Journalism: Ethics and Challenges of Immersive Storytelling in Africa
Chapter 6: Emotional Engagement and Information Recall in Immersive Journalism: A Systematic Literature Review
Chapter 7: “Above all, it was fun”: Interactive Documentaries as Immersive Journalism
Chapter 8: Combating and Co-opting Immersion: Lessons from Audio-Visual Entertainment
Part III
Chapter 9: Immersive Environments, Evolving Ethics: How Computational, Data and Immersive Journalists Can Learn from Each Other
Chapter 10: Ethics of Care: Considerations in Collecting Audience Data for Immersive Journalism
Chapter 11: Information Processing of Augmented Reality News about History: Mediation Role of Transportation and Flow Experience between Telepresence and Attitudes Toward Civil Rights
Chapter 12: Biometric Immersive Journalism: Understanding a New Technological Frontier