Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Potholes in my Lawn: Rooting out Racism in the Criminal Justice System
Chapter 3: Educational and Criminal Justice Reform: Transformative Justice Reform by Disrupting, Dismantling, and Reversing the Disproportionate Channels of People of Color into the School to Prison Pipeline
Chapter 4: Social Media Communication and Networks: The Ongoing #BlackLivesMatter Struggle
Chapter 5: Black Movement in White Spaces: How Youth Online Protests Challenge “No-Excuses” Charter Practices
Chapter 6: Today’s U.S. Supreme Court and the Future of the First Amendment: Donald J. Trump, U.S. Freedom of Expression, and Possible Nullification of New York Times v. Sullivan
Chapter 7: Speak It into Existence: An Afrocentric Examination of the Spoken Word as Energetic Human Potential & Social Justice
Chapter 8: Pronouncing Sentences: Producing Narratives of Incarceration and Black Men
Chapter 9: Intergroup Dialogue at the Intersection of Difference: Social Interactions as a Model for Intergroup Understanding, Relationships, and Action
Chapter 10: Conclusion: The Conyers Scholarly Legacy