Those who wish to understand contemporary Christianity in Indonesia can do no better than reading Toar Hutagalung's masterpiece. Deftly weaving historical investigations, post/decolonial philosophy, studies on racism and nationalism, anthropology of liminality, literary theories, and systematic theology, Hutagalung produces a deeply researched yet highly readable work of scholarship. He offers nothing less than a decolonial pneumatology that fundamentally reshapes our thinking about Indonesian Christianity. A must-read in any course on Asian Christianity.
— Dr. Peter C. Phan, Ignacio Ellacuría Professor of Catholic Social Thought at Georgetown University, author of Many Faces, One Church
Dr. Hutagalung uses the lenses of liminality, decoloniality, and spatiality to construct an embodied pneumatology that challenges the coloniality of power and offers hope for people struggling with liminal identities. I highly recommend this theoretically rigorous and theologically innovative volume.
— Kwok Pui-lan, Candler School of Theology, Emory University
Thought-provoking and inspiring, this book is a gift to the Asian-American, Asian, and theological community. I found it fascinating to learn about the creative presence of the Spirit that dwells and moves continuously in liminal spaces such as our homes, dishoming and recreating them.
— Ira D. Mangililo, Artha Wacana Christian University, Indonesia