Foreword, Eugenio Refini
Introduction, Giulia M. Cipriani
Chapter One: Double Fortunes, Double Faces: De Remediis’s Structure of Alterity, Paolo Rigo
Chapter Two: Mediterranean Clashes: Interreligious Encounters in the Decameron, Martina Franzini
Chapter Three: Lunar Otherness: Astolfo, Medoro, and the Moon in the Furioso, Alberto Luca Zuliani
Chapter Four: Teofilo Folengo and his Antiquities. The Role of the Generative Metaphor, Cristina D’Errico
Chapter Five: Shifted Identities and Encounters with the Other in Gerusalemme Liberata XII, Giulia M. Cipriani
Chapter Six: «But are they in reality the same people?»: The Molecular Transformation of Personality in Antonio Gramsci’s Letters from Prison, Alessio Panichi
Chapter Seven: Alterity and War: Women in the Italian Resistance, Silvia Raimondi
Chapter Eight: The Sclerotic Dialectic: Reading Gadda’s La cognizione del dolore through Hegel, Marta Cerreti
Chapter Nine: Identity and Alterity in Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels, Alessia J. Mingrone
About the Contributors