Introduction by Ko-Yin Sung
Section 1 Content Area Instruction
1.Chinese Shared Reading Instruction for American Kindergarteners by Wenying Zhou
2.Integration of Content and Language Instruction in an Immersion Setting Through Chinese and English Teacher Collaboration by Chiu-Yin (Cathy) Wong and Zhongfeng Tian
3.For Disciplinary Biliteracy: The Design of a Lesson Plan Model in Mandarin Content Instruction by Xiaochen Du and Xiaodi Zhou
4.“[I]t’s Harder for Us as Chinese Teacher[s]”: Science Content Instruction in Chinese DLI Programs by William Davis and Jiazhen Yan
Section 2 Learners
5.Student Engagement and Perception of Teachers’ Instructional Strategies in the Utah Chinese Bridge Program by Shin Chi Fame Kao and Yongmei Ni
6.From Non-Heritage to Future Heritage: A Case Study of a Chinese Bilingual Teacher’s Perceptions of Diverse Chinese–English Dual Language Immersion Learners by Sharon Chang
7.A Case Study of Motivation in Young Learners in the Utah Chinese-English Dual Language Immersion Program by Bethany R. McGarry and Ko-Yin Sung
8.A Case Study of Tenth Grade Chinese-English Dual Language Immersion Learners’ Reading Strategy Use by Ko-Yin Sung
9.An Exploratory Study on Students’ and Parents’ Perceptions Toward Native and Non-Native Chinese Speaking Dual Language Immersion Teachers by Ko-Yin Sung and Linqi ‘Teddy’ Peng
Section 3 Evaluations
10.Mandarin Literacy Performance of First-Grade Dual Language Students from Mandarin, English, and Spanish Home-Language Backgrounds by Manqian Zhao and Elizabeth Howard
11.Referential Management in Oral Narratives in English and Chinese Among Dual Language Immersion Learners by Yifan Wu, Chan Lü, and Amy Pace
12.Integrated Performance Assessments (IPA) in Chinese Language Classrooms: Pre-service Instructor Perceptions of IPA Implementation in the Chinese-English DLI Program by Meiheng Chen and Zheng Gu