1. Vestigial Remains: Queens of the Garden, Angels of the House, and Dutiful Daughters in Jane Campion’s Sweetie, An Angel at My Table, and Holy Smoke!
Sue Matheson
2. Gendered Spaces in Jane Campion’s Top of the Lake and Top of the Lake: China Girl: Female Oppression and Neutral Community
Laura Benoît
3. Poetic Textures, Jane Campion’s Interrogation of Gendered Notions of Creativity in Bright Star
Anna Baccanti
4. The Feminine Sublime in the Work of Jane Campion
Helen Richardson
5. Staging Desire in Jane Campion’s Portrait of a Lady
Gilles Menelgado
6. Perspective, Dismemberment, and Editing in In the Cut
Wendy Haslem
7. The Mutability of the Male Body in The Piano (1993), Bright Star (2009) and The Power of the Dog (2021)
Ian Murphy
8. Opening her Third Eye: Jane Campion’s Auteurial Films during the Post-Cold War Decade
Catherine Cottle
9. Antipodean Multiplicities: Hypotext and Influence in Jane Campion’s Dancing Daze and Two Friends
Blythe S Worthy
10. Voiceless in the Trees: Postcolonial Memory and the Gothic in Jane Campion’s Sweetie
Michael Modarelli
11. The Power of Playing with Genre: The Western Gothic Melodrama in Jane Campion’s The Power of the Dog
Hervé Meyer