Chapter 1: Indelible Stigma: The Name of the Volga Tatars
Part 1: Historiography, Terms, Concepts
Chapter 2: What Is Missing and Why is It Missing: The Historiography about Tatarstan
Chapter 3: Historiographical Milestones and Evolution
Chapter 4: Why This Matters
Chapter 5: Tatars and Non-Tatars
Part 2: The Early Centuries: Islam, The Jochids, and Independent Kazan
Chapter 6: Before the Mongols
Chapter 7: The Chingissids and the Black Death (1230s-1430s)
Chapter 8: Khanlygy: The Kazan Khanate
Chapter 9: Kazan’s Politics, Society, Culture, and Religion
Part 3: Muscovy’s Volga Tatars
Chapter 10: Early Russian Rule over the Realm of Kazan
Chapter 11: Protest, Evasion, Accommodation, and Adaptation
Chapter 12: Sliyane (Fusion)
Part 4: The Dawn of Modern Imperialism (1725-1855)
Chapter 13: Russia Rediscovers its Tatars
Chapter 14: The Crises of the 1770s: The Tatars in Pugachev’s Rebellion
Chapter 15: Catherine and the Survival of Tatar Tradition
Part 5: The Rise of Nationalism and The Fall of Tsarist Russia
Chapter 16: Birth of the Tatar Nation: The Late Imperial Era (1855-1917)
Chapter 17: Revolution and Civil War
Part 6: Soviet Tatarstan
Chapter 18: The Creation of Soviet Tatarstan
Chapter 19: Sultan-Galiev’s Impossible Program
Chapter 20: Famine
Chapter 21: Collectivisation in Tatarstan
Chapter 22: Tatarisation or Russification
Chapter 23: The Great Terror in Tatarstan
Chapter 24: Nationalism, Islam and Espionage in the Great Terror
Chapter 25: The Second World War and Beyond
Part 7: Post Soviet Tatarstan
Chapter 26: The Impossibility of Independence
Chapter 27: Siuiumbike’s Tower and Qol Shärif’s Mosque: Azatlyk!
Epilogue: Contemporary Problems and Prospects
Appendix: Khans of Kazan (1438-1552)
About the Author