Introduction by Steen Halling
Part 1: Forgiving the Other
Chapter 1: Shame, Vulnerability, and the Journey to Forgiveness by Milo Milburn
Chapter 2: Transformative Forgiveness: The Lived Experience of Forgiving the Unforgivable by Gabriela Mihalache
Chapter 3: ‘Moving on’: Wrestling with Forgiveness in Post-genocide Rwanda by Anne Kubai
Chapter 4: Forgiving and Transcendence: On the Importance of Phenomenological Inquiry by Steen Halling
Part 2: Self-Forgiveness and Self-Acceptance
Chapter 5: Self-Forgiveness: The Misunderstood and Elusive Phenomena by Steen Halling
Chapter 6: The Lived Experience of Self-forgiveness in Psychotherapy by Irene Bowman
Part 3: Dialogue with Philosophy through Experience
Chapter 7: Phenomenology of Forgiveness in Education by Peter Costello
Chapter 8: Suffering through Pain to Passage: Forgiving our Mothers and Ourselves by Claire LeBeau
Conclusion by Steen Halling