Chapter 1: The Spockian Mother: Images of the “Good” Mother in Dr. Spock’s The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care, 1946-1992
Catherine A. Dobris, Kim White-Mills, Rachel D. Davidson, and Toula V. Wellbrook
Chapter 2: What Makes a “Bad” Mom “Bad”?: Lucas and Moore’s Bad Moms (2016) and A Bad Moms Christmas (2017)
Catherine A. Dobris, Rachel D. Davidson, and Kim White-Mills
Chapter 3: Juxtaposing Incongruities and Undermining Feminist Alternatives: Gender, Sexuality, and Caregiving in Netflix’s, I Care A Lot (2020)
Rachel D. Davidson and Catherine A. Dobris
Chapter 4: Film as Invitational Rhetoric: Transcending Motherhood Narratives through Community in 20th Century Women
Rachel D. Davidson and Catherine A. Dobris
Chapter 5: Animating the Nuances of the “Bad Mother”: Rhetorical Strategies of Resistance in BoJack Horseman
Catherine A. Dobris and Rachel D. Davidson
Chapter 6: Social Media and Motherhood: “Karen” as the New Bad Mother
Catherine A. Dobris, Rachel D. Davidson, and Janice Day
Chapter 7: A Rhetoric of Domestic Responsibility: Uncovering Patriarchal Motherhood in Unpaid Caregiving Advocacy Rhetoric
Rachel D. Davidson and Catherine A. Dobris
Chapter 8: Faculty as Caregiver and Mother-Substitutes: Exploring Female Faculty Members’ Perceptions of Mothering Behaviors in the Classroom
Kim White-Mills and Rachel D. Davidson
Chapter 9: Negotiating Identity: Mothers’ Adoption of Organizational Identities
Kim White-Mills and Morgan Dosterglick
Chapter 10: The Rhetoric of Wives and Mothers on the Highest Court in the Land: Narrative Probability and Fidelity in Women’s Supreme Court Nominees’ Opening Statements
Catherine A. Dobris, Kim White-Mills, Rachel D. Davidson, and Janice Day
Chapter 11: Republican Motherhood in Public Health Campaigns: A Rhetorical Analysis of Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! Program
Morgan Dosterglick, Catherine A. Dobris, and Rachel D. Davidson
Chapter 12: The Mother in All of Us: How Michelle Obama, Jill Biden, and Kamala Harris Rhetorically Engage the Motherhood Narrative
Catherine A. Dobris and Rachel D. Davidson