Introduction: Mimesis: Representation of Inner Reality in Western Mind(s)
Chapter 1. Father–Son Reunions: Interpersonal and Inner Lives of Two Ancient
Cultures, and Universal Emotions
Chapter 2. The Son of God: Figura, or Betzelem Adonai, in the Shadow of God
Chapter 3. Ovid’s Incarnations: Instability and Its Passionate Inner Causes
Chapter 4. Maimonides (12th Century): Concealed and Revealed Life
Chapter 5. Dante and Virgil: Rising from Despair (1265–1321)
Chapter 6: Shakespeare: The Leap from Lear to Prospero;
from Tragic to Wise; from Despair to Integrity (and Self-Reflection)
Chapter 7. Rousseau’s Confessions and the Birth of Autobiography as a Genre (and Its Twin--Inner Development) (1700s)
Chapter 8. Enchanting Tales, Enchanted Children: The Timelessness of Fairy Tales
(Ancient Egypt to the Present)
Chapter 9. Flaubert: Testing the Tensile Strength Between Style and Character (1800s)
Chapter 10. From the “I” to the “We”: Saul Bellow’s Lifetime Evolution
Chapter 11. Denoument/Inner Life’s Life Course
About the Author