Introduction by Joshua Esler and Mark Fielding
Part 1: Region, Space and Place: Social Imaginaries in the Indian Ocean World
Chapter 1: Imagining the Indian Ocean: Oceanic Spaces, People, and Discourses by Mark Fielding
Chapter 2: Unity and Diversity and Unity in Diversity: People, Time, Space, and the Social Imaginary in the Indian Ocean (World) by Joshua Esler
Part 2: Diverse Identities, Communities and Histories
Chapter 3: Sultana: The Biography of an Indian Ocean Vessel by Jeremy Prestholdt
Chapter 4: Penang and the Maritime Trade of Tamil Muslims, 1778-1800 CE by Sundar Vadlamudi
Chapter 5: Towards a Periodisation of Indian Ocean Maritime History by Peter Ridgway
Chapter 6: The Portuguese Catholic Tradition and its Impact on Portugal’s Colonisation of East Timor: A Critical Appraisal by Augusto Zimmermann
Chapter 7: Perth Undergraduate Students’ Perceptions of the Relevance of History: Ramifications for the Indian Ocean by Jackson Black
Part 3: Island-Nations and Networks
Chapter 8: Shaping a New Strategic Discourse in the Indo-Pacific with Small Island Nations by Arjun
Chapter 9: Indian Ocean Networks: Cable-Laying Companies and the Contingency of Empires by Thor Kerr
Part 4: Environment, Culture and Faith: Case Studies and Cultural Intersections
Chapter 10: “The sterility of the country through which they passed was beyond description or belief”: Evidence of Drought in Early Colonial Sources in the Indian Ocean Zone of Southern Africa by Matthew Hannaford
Chapter 11: Deltas as in between ecotones: The Sundarbans of littoral South Asia by Debojyoti Das
Chapter 12: Dynamics in Indian Ocean Commerce and Culture: Cultural Pluralism in Sri Lanka by Shihan de Silva
Chapter 13: Religious Syncretism: Chinese Immigration and the Development of Folk Buddhayana Buddhism on the Island of Lombok, Indonesia by Ellianna Frame