1 Sustainable Supply Chains for the Circular Economy: A Bibliometric Analysis
Zehra Binnur Avunduk
2 Sustainable Consumer Behavior
Yusuf Can Erdem
3 An Extensive Review of the Applications of Circular Economy Concepts in Turkey
Alper Altınanahtar
4 A Study on Developing a Business Model for Remanufactured Spare Parts Solutions in Turkey
Ayşe Gönül Demirel and Veysel Karani Nurdağ
5 Antecedents of Consumers’ E-Waste Recycling Behavioral Intentions Based on Theory of Planned Behavior
Tülin Ural and Oğuz Oypan
6 An Assessment on Consumer Dynamics for Green Homes.
Ozan Atik and Nilgün Gürkaynak
7 Sustainability and Transportation: Can Transportation Go Green? A Review
Gül Esin Delipınar
8 How Much Energy Sector in Turkey is Circular?
Natalya Ketenci
9 An Exploratory Study on the Role of Municipalities in Circulation of the Second-Hand Textile Products: Understanding the Process, Motives, and Challenges
Muteber Tuzcu and Özge Kirezli
10 Financial Aspects of Environmental, Social and Governance Criteria: Turkish Case
Kubilay Düzgit and Mehmet Nuri Önortaç
11 Quantifying Degree of Circularity in Turkey: Material Flow Analysis
Tulin Johansson and Meral Özalp
12 Macro indicators of Circularity in Turkish Economy: Opportunities and Challenges
Ayşe Sevencan Akcabelen
13 A Revolutionary Covid-19 Recovery Approach Based on Circular Economy: How Turkey Create a Path for a Sustainable Economy and Healthy Future?
Duaa Barakat and Alper Altınanahtar
About the Contributors