Introduction: The Rise of the Modern Shame Society
Prologue: Guilt Versus Shame
Chapter 1: What Is Shame and What Is Guilt and Which of the Two Is “Better”?
Chapter 2: New Shaming Practices: Back to the Past?
Part I: The Rise of the Western Guilt Society
Chapter 3: The Changing Character of Individualism
Chapter 4: Economic Individualism: Individualism’s “Ugly Face”?
Chapter 5: The “Other-Directed Person”: Conformity Instead of Individualism?
Chapter 6: Joyless Consumption
Chapter 7: Expressive Individualism and Its Holy Grail: “Authenticity”
Part II: Narcissistic Individualism and the Rise of the Modern Shame Society
Chapter 8: How Expressive Individualism Morphed into Narcissism
Chapter 9: The Narcissist’s Pursuit of the Perfect Body
Chapter 10: Narcissism Goes Global
Chapter 11: The Happiness Revolution
Part III: The Development of a New Dialectic: “Old Shame” Versus “New Shame”
Chapter 12: De-Shaming Processes I: Is Racial Shame Becoming “Old Shame”?
Chapter 13: De-Shaming Processes II: De-Shaming of LGBTQI People and People with a Disability
Chapter 14: The Emergence of New Shame I: Fat Shaming
Chapter 15: The Emergence of New Shame II: Hikikomori: The Young Hermits
Conclusion: Respect: What Is It and to Whom Do We Owe It?
About the Author