Introduction: Social Coordination and Public Policy: Explorations in Theory and Practice by Roberta Q. Herzberg, Gavin Roberts, and Brianne Wolf
Part I: Theories and Methods of Social Coordination
Chapter 1: Social Coordination in a Complex Society: A Framework for Action by Emily Chamlee-Wright
Chapter 2: Rawls, Hayek, Buchanan, and Social Justice: From Rules to Recognition by Alexander Köhler
Chapter 3: Are RCTs Missing a Point? Local Knowledge and ComputerAssisted Learning Interventions by Carlos Noyola
Part II: Case Studies in Social Coordination
Chapter 4: Destruction to Beauty: The Polycentric Adaptive Reuse of the Torpedo Factory by Olivia Gonzalez
Chapter 5: Local Constituencies, Lobbying, and the Fight to Keep Local Bases Open during the 2005 Round of Base Closure and Realignment by Julie Thompson-Gomez
Chapter 6: Social Media and Social Movements: How Technology Has Aided Coordination by Ellen Hamlett
Chapter 7: Stakeholder Primacy as a New Institutional Framework for the Entrepreneurial Market Process? by Mikołaj Firlej
Part III: Challenging Social Problems: Environmental and Natural Resource Applications
Chapter 8: Compliance Markets Without Romance: Lessons from the Renewable Fuel Standard by Arthur R. Wardle
Chapter 9: A Calculus of Communication: Deliberation, Knowledge, and Public Choice in the Context of Water Management by Emil Panzaru
Chapter 10: Entrepreneurial Discovery in Land-Use Planning by M. Nolan Gray