Introduction: Self, Character, and People
Chapter 1: Unruly Pilgrims
Chapter 2: The Roots of American Culture
Chapter 3: Slavery
Chapter 4: A Plural Nation: American Liberties and the Birth of a People
Chapter 5: Conflict, Law, and Revolution
Chapter 6: The Constitutional Conversation
Chapter 7: Cane Ridge and the New Protestant Consensus
Chapter 8: “The Democracy” and Its Limits
Chapter 9: Changing Circumstances, Abiding Character
Chapter 10: American Women and the Power of Self-Sacrifice
Chapter 11: Civil War: The Deals that Failed
Chapter 12: Aftermath: Salvaging the Deal, or Replacing It?
Chapter 13: The West
Chapter 14: Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day, but Oklahoma City Was
Chapter 15: The Pursuit of Consolidation
Chapter 16: Wall Street vs. Main Street: The Early Years. Or, from Populism to Progressivism
Chapter 17: A Generation of Change
Chapter 18: A Changed Generation
Chapter 19: Civil Rights and the Anti-Discrimination State
Chapter 20: Radical Origins and Ideals
Chapter 21: Conflicting Visions
Chapter 22: Administrative Centralization and Its Effects
Chapter 23: Two Peoples, Two Americas?
Conclusion: Law Among the Unruly