Chapter 1: Scandals Old and New Alexander Gardner and Greg Mortenson
Chapter 2: Drawing Boundaries: Early East India Co. Writers
George Forster, Mountstuart Elphinstone, Alexander Burnes, and Arthur Conolly
Chapter 3: Oriental Tales: from Poems and Legends to the Novel
Charles Masson, James Abbott, Sir Mortimer Durand
Chapter 4: Hybridity, Frontier Marriages, and the New Woman: S. S. Thorburn, Maud Diver, Lillias Hamilton, and Morag Murray Abdullah
Chapter 5: The Romance of Return: Anti-Imperialist Nostalgia and Writings of the 9/11 Era Jason Elliot, Rory Stuart, Tamim Ansary, Saira Shah, Khaled Hosseini
Conclusion: Lessons Learned? New Fiction from Afghanistan, and how to write about Afghanistan
About the author