Marjan Ivković, Adriana Zaharijević and Gazela Pudar-Draško
Part One: Reflexive Violence: Critique, Negativity, and Contingency
Chapter One: Violence of the Concept in Hegel
Zdravko Kobe
Chapter Two: Subjectivity and Violence: A Hegelian Perspective
Luca Illetterati
Chapter Three: Against Autonomy: Freedom as Heteronomy without Servitude
Vladimir Safatle
Chapter Four: The Ethics and Politics of Nonviolence
Judith Butler
Part Two: Violence of Reflexivity: Practicing Critique Today
Chapter Five: Violence of Critique
Predrag Krstić
Chapter Six: Critique as a Microphysics of Freedom: A Disposition beyond the Dispositive
Gaetano Chiurazzi
Chapter Seven: Violence and the Apocalypse: Beyond the Hobbesian Vision
Siniša Malešević
Chapter Eight: The Police: Instituting Violence
Petar Bojanić and Gazela Pudar-Draško
Chapter Nine: Emancipation of Women vs. Misogyny
Sanja Bojanić
About the Contributors