List of Figures and Tables
Part One: Critical Reflections: Centering Social Emotional Learning and Mindfulness in the Classroom Context
Introduction: Gazing Inward and Outward by Connecting SEL, Mindfulness, and Critical Pedagogies in the Social Studies Classroom
Natalie Keefer and Tori K. Flint
Chapter One: “Still Can’t Say Namaste?!”: Making Asians and Asian Americans Visible in the School-Based Mindfulness Movement
Mohit Mehta and Joanna Batt
Chapter Two: Teaching Critical Affective Civic Literacy through Social Studies Inquiry
Patrick Keegan
Chapter Three: Civic Mindfulness: Teaching About Racism with Courage and Compassion
Elizabeth Yeager Washington, Maria Cristina da Costa Leite, and Ana Puig
Chapter Four: From the Null to the Explicit: Building Antiracist Practices Into our Everyday Teaching of Social Studies
Brittany L. Jones and Melanie M. McCormick
Chapter Five: Giving Voice to the Struggle for Civil Rights: Utilizing Memorialism to Develop Students' Historical Empathy Skills
Nefertari Yancie and James D. Nunez
Chapter Six: Bringing in Our ‘Full Humanness’: Moving Toward Critical, Humanity-Focused, Assets-Based Pedagogy
Tori K. Flint and Natalie Keefer
Part Two: Contemplative Frameworks and Pedagogies
Chapter Seven: A Framework of Historical Empathy for Social and Emotional Learning:
A Perspective-Taking Praxis
Joseph I. Eisman and Timothy J. Patterson
Chapter Eight: Fostering Classroom Contemplation through Civic Reflection Discussions
Alexander Pope IV, Sarah M. Surak, and Matthew Bernor
Chapter Nine: Using Circles to Embed SEL and Mindfulness in the Social Studies Classroom
Michelle D. Cude and Dana L. Haraway
Chapter Ten: Gratitude Practice as Democratic Teacher Praxis: Building Agency and Belonging in Social Studies Classrooms
Elizabeth O. Crawford and Michael Fauteux
Chapter Eleven: Mindful Teaching in the Inclusive Social Studies Classroom: Helping Students with Dissimilar Learning Needs Engage with the Curriculum
Maria I. Bravo-Ruiz and Allison M. Bernard
Chapter Twelve: Civic Mindfulness in Social Studies: A Framework for Contemplative Citizenship
Kelsey Evans-Amalu, Eric Claravall, and Brian Furgione
Chapter Thirteen: “I am not a field hand:” Spirituality, Mindfulness, and Financial Literacy
Thomas A. Lucey and Kathleen Cooter
Chapter Fourteen: The Human Rights Portal to Teaching Mindfulness and Civic Engagement
Rosemary Ann Blanchard and Sandy Sohcot
Chapter Fifteen: Philosophy for Children as a Democratic Community of Inquiry
Shaofei Han and Heather N. Stone
About the Contributors