Table of Contents
Joanna G. Burchfield and April A. Kedrowicz
Section 1
Chapter 1: It’s Not Like Learning to Drive a Car
Juliane Mora
Chapter 2: Public Relations and Politics: Navigating Communication Across the Curriculum as Communication Scholars
Kelly Norris Martin and Amy L. Housley Gaffney
Chapter 3: Creating Sustainable Communication Across Disciplines Programs through Evaluation, Reflection, and Research
Stephanie Norander
Chapter 4: Grounded Practical Theory for Researching and Teaching Communication Across Disciplines
Grace E. Peters and Heidi L. Muller
Chapter 5: Communication And Media/Technology Affordances in the Ways We Teach and Communicate Across Boundaries
Patrice M. Buzzanell and Carla B. Zoltowski
Section 2
Chapter 6: Life Projects: A Versatile, Motivating Conduit for Developing Communication Competence in Cross-Disciplinary Communication Instruction
Tasha R. Dunn
Chapter 7: Speaking Across Disciplines: Creating Specialized Sections of Oral Communication General Education Courses
Melissa A. Lucas, Raphael Mazzone, Cassondra Pope, Christine Masterson Schaaf, and Katlin Gray
Chapter 8: Student Evolution: Communication Tourist to Native Practitioner
Joanna G. Burchfield and Jamie M. Chilton
Chapter 9: Communication Becomes You: Enhancing Veterinary Practice through Integrated Communication Instruction
April A. Kedrowicz
Chapter 10: Bringing Communication Curriculum to a Business School: Creating an Accredited, Undergraduate Certificate Program in Business and Professional Communication
Allison M. Alford and Christina Iluzada
Chapter 11: Leading Multidisciplinary Medical Sciences Leadership Teams Through Communication
Lindsay J. Della, Mary Z. Ashlock, Gerard P. Rabalais, Staci W. Saner, and Elyssa Q. Smith
Chapter 12: Center Alliance: Transforming Communication Practices in the Mathematics Classroom
Luke LeFebvre, R. Dustin Florence, and Mai Dao
Section 3
Chapter 13: Critical Autoethnography as a Critical Labor
Yusaku Yajima
Chapter 14: Transforming the Discipline and Democracy through an Integrated Approach to Communication Education
Leila Brammer
Chapter 15: Laying a Foundation for Care and Repair: A Case for a Civic Turn in Career Technical and Vocational Education
Kathleen F. McConnell
Chapter 16: Something Very Fishy (SVF): Avenues of Communication to Inspire Engagement with Climate and Marine Science
Meghnaa Tallapragada, Randi J. Sims, Tokea G. Payton, Kara R. Titus, Kelly E. Bridgeford, Kylie M. Smith, Melissa Fuentes, Kathy L. Prosser, Michael J. Childress
Chapter 17: Justice-based Public Pedagogy of Care: The Organizing Work of the Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE)
Mohan J. Dutta, Satveer Kaur-Gill, Nga Hau Christine Elers, Md Mahbubur Rahman, Pooja Jayan, Indranil Mandal, Venessa Pokaia, and Selina Metuamate
About the Contributors