Chapter 1: Organizing Congress for Budget Reforms by Kurt COUCHMAN
Chapter 2:Debt Fatigue and the Climacteric in U.S. Economic Growthby John MERRIFIELD and Barry POULSON
Chapter 3: Preparing for the Next Crisis: Lessons from the Successful Swedish Fiscal Framework by Lars JONUNG and Fredrik NG ANDERSSON
Chapter 4: The Swiss Federal Debt Brake and its Unbudgeted Surpluses by Vera Z. Eichenauer and Jan-Egbert Sturm
Chapter 5: The German Debt Brake: Success Factors and Challenges by Lars P. Feld and Wolf H. Reuter
Chapter 6: A Money Doctor’s Reflections on Currency Reforms and Hard Budget Constraints: A Stroll Down Memory Lane by Steve H. Hanke
Chapter 7: Fiscal Rules and Public Debt: An Emerging Market Perspective by Pablo Guidotti
Chapter 8: Populist Economic Thought: the Legacy of Juan Domingo Perón by Carlos Newland and Emilio OCampo
Chapter 9: Monetary Policy and the Worsening U.S. Debt Crisis by Norbert J. Michel
Chapter 10: The Federal Reserve and the Debt Crisis by Tom Saving
Chapter 11: The High Costs of Fiscal and Monetary Anomie: Argentina since 1945 by Emilio OCampo
Chapter 12: The Failure to Establish Effective Rules for Financing U.S. Federal Entitlement Programs by Charles Blahous
Chapter 13: Fiscal Rules for Social Security and Medicare: Would Accrual Accounting Help? By James C. Capretta