Bernan Press
Pages: 196
Trim: 6 x 8¾
978-1-64143-361-7 • Paperback • July 2020 • $129.00 • (£99.00)
978-1-64143-362-4 • eBook • July 2020 • $122.50 • (£95.00)
Dr. Mark Friend has taught and worked with aviation professionals for the last 15 years. He has served on the governing board of the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) and is a professional member of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE). Friend has over forty years of experience in higher education. He has been active as a consultant, speaker, expert witness, and trainer in the field of safety. Friend organized and served as the first president of the National Occupational Safety and Health Educators Association (NOSHEA) which later became the Academic Specialty Practice of ASSE. Dr. Mark Friend is also the author of Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health.
Dr. Alan Stolzer has been an aviation professional for over 30 years. He holds a Ph.D. in quality and aviation, and has been a lead author on two books on safety management.
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations
About the Editors
About the Contributors
1The Legal Aspects of a Safety Management System
Cory J. Trunkhill, Kris Ostrowski, Greg Woo, and David A. Carroll
2Designing and Managing the Safety System
Bradley S. Baugh
3Safety Management System Implementation Planning
David Thirtyacre
4Organizing the Safety Management System
Michael Goldfein
5Directing the Safety Management System
Roger C. Lee, Christopher Groom, Sarah Talley, and Marisa Aguiar
6Safety Performance Management
Rachelle L. Strong
7Managing Human Factors
Susan K. Archer and Stacie L. Fain
8Budgeting for Safety and Risk Assessment
Mark Simpson
9Accident and Incident Investigation
Abraham Adole
10Safety Management Systems for Rotorcraft Manufacturers
Isaac Munene
List of Figures
1.1Shewart Cycle as used by the ANSI Z10 standard
2.1The Cause-and-Effect (Fishbone Diagram)
2.2Illustrative Risk Matrix
2.3Bow-tie Diagram
2.4Extract of ICAO’s Gap Analysis Checklist
2.5Flow Chart Example
2.6SWOT Diagram
3.1Sample Work Breakout Schedule
5.1Power and Interest Grid
6.1AHP Matrix Model
6.2DAHP model output for safety training completion rate SPI
6.3New software development to improve performance management at small regional airport
6.4Example of safety inspection checklist
6.5Example safety performance metric output
6.6Safety risk management continuous improvement cycle
7.1Frank Gilbreth filming a motion study,
7.3The safety culture pyramid
7.4Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) cycle
9.1Safety management and decision-making process
9.2Accident as specific types of incidents
9.3Total Incentive Cost Worksheet
10.1Relationships and dependencies of an integrated SMS
List of Tables
1.1CFR 14 Part Regulations3
2.1Selected SMS Tools Matrix39
5.1Identification of Safety Stakeholder using the SHELL Model67
10.1ICAO SMS Components and Elements147
10.2Enterprise Management Systems for a generic rotorcraft manufacturer148