Bernan Press
Pages: 496
Trim: 7 x 10
978-1-64143-344-0 • Paperback • February 2020 • $147.00 • (£113.00)
978-1-64143-345-7 • eBook • February 2020 • $139.50 • (£108.00)
Albert I. Telsey is a partner with Meyner and Landis LLP. His practices focuses on all aspects of environmental compliance, counseling, and litigation as it relates to redevelopment and the purchase, sale, lease, mortgage, foreclosure, condemnation, and cleanup of contaminated property in New Jersey. Mr. Telsey provides counseling and guidance on renewable energy and energy conservation programs for land owners, local governments, and solar developers. He has been named a Super Lawyer in environmental law by New Jersey Monthly Magazine.