Bernan Press
Pages: 212
Trim: 6⅜ x 9¼
978-1-64143-300-6 • Hardback • August 2018 • $104.00 • (£80.00)
978-1-64143-301-3 • eBook • August 2018 • $98.50 • (£76.00)
Charles R. Porter, Ph.D., is a water rights expert worldwide. He teaches, analyzes, and publishes peer-reviewed academic work on water policy. He also authors and organizes legislation in Texas on water policies. Dr. Porter testifies as an expert on water valuations, water policy formation, and the consequences of failed water policies. He has been named a real estate expert in over 600 lawsuits across the United States since 1987, and has spoken over 250 times as an invited guest speaker across the world on water policies since 2012 alone.