Bernan Press
Pages: 468
Trim: 9 x 11½
978-1-63671-050-1 • Hardback • April 2022 • $137.00 • (£105.00)
978-1-63671-051-8 • eBook • April 2022 • $130.00 • (£100.00)
Robert L. Scardamalia is currently President of RLS Demographics, Inc., a firm specializing in the use and analysis of economic and demographic data for private and public applications. He is a professional demographer and has more than 30 years of experience using Census and related economic and demographic data for marketing, business attraction, and public sector program management.
He is an expert on the sources of demographic data for use in public and private sector application and a recognized expert in population forecasting developing a cohort-component projections model used by the New York City Department of City Planning and the State of New Hampshire.
Bob has a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from Penn State University and a Master’s Degree in Demography from Georgetown University. He is also an adjunct faculty member in the Sociology Department at the State University of New York at Albany.
As defined in this volume, the millennial generation, born between 1982 and 2001, currently numbers approximately 85 million in the U.S. This generation shapes trends in housing, employment, and technology and will undoubtedly continue to have an outsize influence on American life over the next several decades. The intent of this volume is to examine differences between subsets of the millennial generation, instead of contrasting it as one entity with other generations. Data presented in this volume covers general demographics, race and ethnicity, immigration and migration, housing, education, language, employment, and income. Most data appears in table format with introductory and supporting material at the beginning of each chapter…. [T]his volume is recommended for business reference collections serving users who prefer to access this information in a traditional reference work instead of searching the raw data online.
— Booklist