Globe Pequot / Prometheus
Pages: 399
978-1-63388-396-3 • eBook • March 2018 • $23.50 • (£17.99)
""A sweeping and comprehensive indictment of the dangers posed by Donald Trump's version of American nationalism. A must-read for foreign policy realists.”—Nicolai N. Petro, Silvia-Chandley Professor of Peace Studies, University of Rhode Island“In this extremely timely reflection, Hall Gardner looks at how Trump's policies and behavior are changing the America that the world was accustomed to seeing and had accepted as a leader. This book proves that the country is far from being an assured success. And, after reading World War Trump, nobody can say that we have not been warned about a very insecure future.”—Roberto Savio, founder, Inter Press Service, and international analyst and director for external relations, European Center for Peace and Development“An incisive commentary on the vicissitudes of America's newly invigorated nationalism, which has a direct bearing on the current strategic environment. Gardner examines the possible ramifications of Donald Trump's policies, should they become yet another casus belli.” —Maj. Gen. Ashok Hukku Y.S.M. (ret.), former chief military intelligence advisor, Cabinet Secretariat of India, and Advisory Board representative, UNESCO (IHP)“Gardner foretells a possible new version of a Cold War between Russia and the West if the necessary preventive measures are not soon taken—lessons learned from both the previous Cold War and Mikhail Gorbachev's bold initiatives. Gardner explains, without claiming any feeling of self-satisfaction, the fulfillment of some of his most alarming prophecies, and, after the election of Donald Trump, these include the world's dangerous slipping toward the abyss of a global conflict.” —Andrey Grachev, former adviser and official spokesman of Mikhail Gorbachev, and chairman of the Scientific Committee of the New Policy Forum