Globe Pequot / Prometheus
Pages: 720
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-63388-142-6 • Paperback • February 2016 • $21.00 • (£15.99)
978-1-63388-143-3 • eBook • February 2016 • $20.00 • (£14.99)
""If Howard Bloom is only 10 percent right, we'll have to drastically revise our notions of the universe. . . . [His] argument will rock your world." -BARBARA EHRENREICH, National Magazine Award winner and author of Nickel and Dimed “Enthralling. Astonishing. Written with the panache of the Great Blondin turning somersaults on the rope above Niagara. Profound, extraordinarily eclectic, and crazy. The most exciting cliff-hanger of a book I can remember reading." -JAMES BURKE, Creator and host of seven BBC-TV series, including Connections“Bloody hell. . . . What a truly extraordinary book. I'm gobsmacked. It's a fast-paced, highly readable, and deeply researched thriller-documentary that grapples with the big issues of the universe. . . . Food for the brain." -FRANCIS PRYOR, President of the Council for British Archaeology, author of Britain BC “For those of us who do not invoke god(s) to explain things, there is a challenge—where did the complexity of the physical and natural world come from? . . . This deep, provocative, spectacularly well-written book provides some answers. . . . A wonderful book." -ROBERT SAPOLSKY, MacArthur Foundation "genius grant" winner and author of Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers“Strong. Like a STEAM ROLLER. Impressive. Great." -RICHARD FOREMAN, MacArthur Foundation "genius grant" winner and founder of the Ontological-Hysteric Theater“A deeply engrossing and mind-bending meld of philosophy and science, written with great clarity, humor, and daring." -CHARLES SIEBERT, Contributing writer, New York Times Sunday Magazine“Truly awesome. . . . Bursting with insights and ideas, delivered with delightful verve and zest. . . . A tantalizing, fresh new view of the cosmos for humankind.”-DUDLEY HERSCHBACH, Winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize in Chemistry