Taylor Trade Publishing
Pages: 484
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-63076-165-3 • Paperback • November 2015 • $19.95 • (£14.99)
978-1-63076-166-0 • eBook • November 2015 • $11.99 • (£8.99)
Gerry Hempel Davis worked for the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency, was the youngest producer of the Ed Sullivan Show, and was for several years a correspondent for The Today Show. She is the author of the authorized history of The Today Show as well as The Moving Experience. She lives in Richmond, Virginia.
1. Maine
2. Massachusetts
3. Connecticut
4. Rhode Island
5. New York
6. New Jersey
7. Pennsylvania
8. Delaware
9. Maryland
10. Washington D.C.
11. Virginia
12. West Virginia
13. Kentucky
14. Tennessee
15. North Carolina
16. South Carolina
17. Georgia
18. Florida
19. Florida: East Coast
20. Florida: West Coast
21. Alabama
22. Ohio
23. Michigan
24. Illinois
25. Wisconsin
26. Latest Discoveries
The memories my friend Charles Kuralt once gave us, / Are echoed today by Gerry Hempel Davis, / Who also loves driving our country’s back roads. / Where America’s romance and beauty explodes / With the power to touch, to inspire and move. / Somehow I know my friend Charles would approve.
(Previous Edition Praise)
— Charles Osgood
When I was a kid, Dinah Shore sang, ‘See the USA in your Chevrolet / America is asking you to call / Drive your Chevrolet through the USA / America’s the Greatest land of all.’ In this book, Gerry Davis heard Dinah’s call, and she sees the USA.
(Previous Edition Praise)
— Steve Friedman, executive producer, The Dylan Ratigan Show, MSNBC